This is a private link for just the manga work, so feel free to have a look at my portfolio for more samples of background design work.


Personal work

These were experiments from a daily challenge (“Kaijune”) where I used 3D buildings converted to line and tone as a base for the backgrounds, and then drew over parts of them to give the background more of a hand drawn touch.

That allowed me to complete these fairly quickly, and there is a lot more that can be done with this method!

Moving Tones

This is a quick experiment I put together to test using layered screen tones in motion without leading to any moire patterns.

Note: The moire I mentioned happens when using halftone dots on a digital screen, and shows up more or less depending on the different sizes of the screen (as in your phone or TV screen), or it is noticeable when resizing an image with a tone.

I believe it’s because they’re meant for printing at a specific resolution, and not for digital output where they can be viewed at different sizes or zoomed into, SO I used several ways in these illustrations to avoid that and make it more convincingly analog.

I’d love to help you with the style you’re going for along with designing the backgrounds themselves! Please send me an email to chat: — Looking forward to hearing from you!

Check out the rest of my work here ✌️